Maarit Rivers

Therapist Supervisor

Northern Beaches, NSW

0417 462 115

Blog Posts

Knowing when a child needs therapy – here’s how to tell

Knowing when a child needs therapy – here’s how to tell

Knowing when a child needs therapy can be far from clear: not all are good at communicating distress. Maarit Rivers explains how and why.      Life can be challenging not just for adults, but for children too. Some children need specialised help to cope with...

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How to introduce a new partner to your children

How to introduce a new partner to your children

    How to introduce a new partner to your children After a divorce or separation heartache, you meet someone and fall in love again, making you feel terrific. However, this time, things are different. You also have to consider your children. You have become...

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New baby in a family

New baby in a family

When a new baby arrives in the family, everybody needs adjustments. Good preparation for siblings makes things go smoothly. Tell the other children early that there might be a new baby one day. Being involved at early stages helps other children to adjust. Once the...

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Become a good friend and a good listener

Become a good friend and a good listener

Become a good friend and a good listener “People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’re lost.” — Dalai Lama Because of the current social distancing, we speak on the phone, and we meet in...

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Father has an important role in child’s life

Father has an important role in child’s life

Father has an important role in a child’s life. Although a father’s role has not always been seen as important as has a mother’s, as a father your role is very important for your child’s development. From day one as a father of a young child, you need to form a strong...

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What do we do in our play therapy sessions

What do we do in our play therapy sessions

Creative visualisation: Creative visualisation helps the child’s understanding and thinking. It aids physical relaxation, improves concentration, helps the child’s control over thought process and to deal with stress. It also improves a child’s mindfulness and...

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Serpents in the therapy

Serpents in the therapy

Serpents in the therapy Serpent in the therapy appear frequently. Its meaning can only be recognised from the effects it produces. The serpent evolved about 165 million years ago. Modern serpents have adapted to their surroundings perfectly. They can be found in most...

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Sandplay therapy – how and why it works

Sandplay therapy is unconventional, creative and primarily nonverbal. It is vital for a child too traumatised to talk. Here's why and how it works. It works for adults too. For example, as Jung explains: 'Often the hands know how to solve the riddle with which the...

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Divorce and separation affects children

Divorce and separation affects children

Divorce and separation.

For children, separation is traumatic. Children feel confused and insecure. Their whole world is falling apart, they feel shocked, experience loss and stability. They fear that they may be left alone, that no one cares or loves them. Children may think that separation is their fault.

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Children are scared by TV news – adults may be too!

Children are scared by TV news – adults may be too!

Updated May 2017 Children are scared by TV news that shows violence, shootings, terrorist attacks, wars, disasters and plane crashes - or even show dead or hurt children. There is rarely anything positive. Such news distresses adults. For children it is even more so....

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Child bedwetting is common – why, and what to do about it

Child bedwetting is common – why, and what to do about it

Child bedwetting is common. Child bedwetting causes stress, distress, anxiety and in some cases intolerance in the family. Boys tend to wet the bed more than girls. Some children have accidents now and then until the age of seven to eight. A child cannot control bedwetting.

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